

Jian Jiang

Professor of Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Education/Work expriences

2018.12 – Present    Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2015.01 – 2018.11   Postdoctroal Associate, California Institute of Technology
2011.09 – 2014.12   PhD, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
2012.09 – 2013.12   Joint PhD, University of California, Riverside
2009.09 – 2011.07   MS, Applied Mathematics, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
2005.09 – 2009.07   BS, Information and Computational Sciences, Beijing University of Chemical Technology



Dingyu Hou

Assistant Professor

Dingyu obtained her B.S. from Tsinghua University in 2015. Then, she received her Ph.D. from Tsinghua University under Associate Prof. Xiaoqing You in 2020, followed by postdoctoral work with Prof. Kai Luo in University College London. During September 2017 to September 2018, she studied in Cambridge University with Prof. Markus Kraft as a joint-training PhD. She joined Jiang Group in January 2023 as an Assistant Professor.
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Leying Qing

Assistant Professor

Leying graduated with a BSc in Chemical Engineering and Technology from Southwest Petroleum University in 2016. Then, she finished her PhD studies in Chemical Engineering from ECUST in June 2021. During November 2019 to November 2020, she studied in Caltech as a joint-training PhD. She joined Jiang Group in July 2021 and did her postdoctoral research. Now she work in Jiang Group as an Assistant Professor.


Qiuhui Chang



Linbo Ma

Linbo graduated with a M.S. in Applied Chemistry from UCAS in 2019. He began his graduate studies in pursuit of a PhD in jiang Group at ICCAS in 2020, where he is beginning research focused on basic scientific thermodynamics and kinetics problems in complex electrolytes(eg: polymerized ionic liquids/ionic liquids & high-concentration electrolyte solutions).

Ruochao Wang

Ruochao received his BSc in Applied Chemistry from BUCT in 2018. He joined the Jiang group at ICCAS in November of 2019 to pursue his PhD. His research is focused on interfacial properties of polyelectrolytes in nonuniform dielectric systems.

Zhixuan Zhong

Zhixuan joined the Jiang Group to pursue his PhD in 2020. Now he is interested in thermodynamics and kinetics problems of surfactant droplets at the interface

Junbao Hu

Junbao graduated with a BSc in Composite Materials from ECUST in 2021. Subsequently, he joined Jiang Group to pursue his PhD, researching machine learning for molecular simulation.

Dan Wang

Dan Wang got her M.S in Engineering from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics in 2021. She joined the Jiang Group at ICCAS to pursue her PhD in September in the same year. Her research is focused on the phase behavior of weak polyelectrolytes at the interface.

Lifeng Xu

Lifeng graduated with a M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from ECUST in 2022. In the same year, he joined the Jiang Group at ICCAS to pursue his phD. His research is focused on the machanism of ion transport in polymer electrolytes.

Di Xu

Di Xu joined the Jiang Group at ICCAS to pursue her PhD in 2022, researching the machanism of ion transport in gel polymer electrolytes.

Rongxing Lu

Rongxing graduated with a MSc in School of Science from ZSTU in 2022. Subsequently, he joined Jiang Group as project employment, researching machine learning for molecular simulation. From September 2023, he began to persue his PhD in Jiang Group.


Jianbiao Yang

Jianbiao joined the Jiang Group as a joint M.S. of BUCT from 2018 to 2021. His research was focused on the effect of salt concentration and valence state on the titration curve and conformation of weak polyelectrolytes.

Jinfeng Yue

Jinfeng joined the Jiang Group to pursue her Master degree in 2020. Now she focuses on studying the mechanism of ion transport in confined space.